User Agreement
1. This Agreement defines the terms of use by the Users of materials and services of the site (hereinafter referred to as the "Site" or "Service").
General information (about the service):
2. Service - an entertainment resource, the purpose of which is to help you find the names of shades. The service allows users to upload a User's image and perform shade recognition on a selected area of the image.
Personal Data:
3. It is not considered a violation of obligations to disclose information in accordance with reasonable and applicable legal requirements. The service has the right to use the "cookies" technology. "Cookies" do not contain confidential information and are not transferred to third parties. The service receives information about the ip-address of the website visitor. This information is not used to establish the identity of the User, except in cases of fraudulent actions of the User.
4. If the User does not want his personal data to be processed, then he must contact the administration of the Site by sending an email to In this case, all information received from the User (including the login and password) is deleted from the client base of the Site.
5. The Service is obliged not to disclose the User's data to third parties, except for cases when they act on the basis of a concluded contract with the Service in order to fulfill the obligations of the Service to the Users and when the obligation of such disclosure is established by the requirements of the law. The user is responsible for the accuracy of the personal data transmitted to the Service.
6. By uploading photos to the Site, the Site visitor confirms that he has exclusive rights and grants the Site Administration the right to use photos for the needs and purposes of the Site free of charge. At the same time, if these photos violate the rights and interests of third parties, the Administration reserves the right to delete these photos without prior notice to the User.
A responsibility
7. The use of the materials of the Site by the User and third parties without the consent of the copyright holders is not allowed.
8. The user is warned that the Site Administration is not responsible for visiting and using external resources, links to which may be contained on the site.
9. The user is warned that the Site Administration is not responsible if the actual shade is different from that posted on the site.
10. The User agrees that the Site Administration is not responsible and has no direct or indirect obligations to the User in connection with any possible or incurred loss or damage associated with any content of the Site, copyright registration and information about such registration, goods or services available on or obtained through external sites or resources or other contacts of the User, which he entered using the information posted on the Site or links to external resources.
11. The user accepts the provision that all materials and services of the Site or any part of them may be accompanied by advertising. The user agrees that the Site Administration does not bear any responsibility and does not have any obligations in connection with such advertising.
12. All possible disputes arising from or related to this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Nothing in the Agreement can be understood as the establishment between the User and the Site Administration of agency relations, partnership relations, joint activity relations, personal employment relations, or any other relations not expressly provided for by the Agreement.
13. The user agrees not to take actions that may be considered as violating Russian law or international law, including in the field of intellectual property, copyright and / or related rights, as well as any actions that lead or may lead to disruption of the normal operation of the Site and services of the Site. Inaction on the part of the Site Administration in case of violation by any of the Users of the provisions of the Agreement does not deprive the Site Administration of the right to take later appropriate actions in defense of their interests and protection of copyright for the materials of the Site protected in accordance with the legislation.
14. Under no circumstances will the Site Administration or their representatives be liable to the Site visitor or any third parties for any indirect, accidental, unintentional damage, including lost profits or lost data, damage to honor, dignity (business reputation, if applicable), caused in connection with the use of the Site, its contents or other materials to which the specified persons gained access using the Site, even if the Site Administration did not warn or indicate the possibility of such harm.
15. By using the site, the visitor of the Site undertakes not to harm the reputation of the Site, otherwise the Site Administration has the right to apply to law enforcement and judicial authorities for the protection of business reputation.
16. The recognition by the court of any provision of the Agreement as invalid or not subject to compulsory execution does not entail the invalidity of other provisions of the Agreement.
17. The Service has the right to amend this Agreement without prior notice. Changes to the terms of the Agreement come into force after their publication on the Site and apply to any order and action of the User made after publication.
18. The user confirms that he is familiar with all the clauses of this Agreement and, of course, accepts them.